The high-quality, professional hair care products we use in the salons allow us to provide the best products for any hair type, taking care of your hair at the scalp and managing your ends so every blowout is perfect. From volume shampoos and conditioners to hydration, the lines we use are unique brands dedicated to salon professionals and clients. All products are also available for purchase to keep up with your style at home.
Keune Haircosmetics
Keune stands for “The Art of Hair Design” and is committed to elegance, creativity and contemporary hair fashion. This independent family owned Dutch producer of hair care products for professional stylists is used worldwide by over 10,000 hair stylists. Style Depot is the exclusive Keune products and treatment salon in Ashe County. The product’s recognizable black-silver packaging is known for great performance and contemporary style.
The Keune color line uses silk proteins, solamere UVA and VUB protectants, and LP 300 color stabilizers for longevity which means our reds don't fade! 
This sophisticated series of hair care products seek purity without sacrificing luxury. Designed to provide modern, simple and natural solutions for cleansing, treatment and finishing of all hair types, modern organic products include organic and food-derived ingredients that provide nutrition for healthy hair and scalp and protection from environmental elements. With an emphasis on respecting our earth and its future, MOP feels good about the organic choice in a modern world and does not perform or condone animal testing with any of its products. 
Moroccanoil is leading manufacturer of professional Argan Oil hair products, rich in vitamins and natural elements that fortify the hair improve elasticity, protect against free-radicals, and shield against environmental stressors.